Fathom Mag

Wholly Spirit

Published on:
June 29, 2021
Read time:
1 min.
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Wholly Spirit 

No ordinary time this day
benchmarked by an evening
of fire, flaming tongues, God
come to Earth and men.
This morning marches towards
summer sun-ups unfolding one
after the other, sunsets pulling
the days forward. "Ordinary"
does not equal uniform, "without
consequence," "unremarkable."
No. I cling to that edge of burning,
its touch marking me with the
power of a Word on singed paper,
emblazoned brightness walking
me through all my days.

Jody Collins
Jody Collins is the author of "Hearts on Pilgrimage-Poems & Prayers" and "Living the Season Well-Reclaiming Christmas." Retired from 20 plus years of teaching, she enjoys spending time with her six grandchildren whenever possible. Southern California transplants, she and her husband call the Seattle area home where they enjoy birdwatching and gardening in their spare time. Jody's been writing since eighth grade typing class, but nowadays you can find her words at www.jodyleecollins.com and on Instagram as @jodylcollins8.

Cover image by Neal E. Johnson

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