
Welcome Art Wednesday by Russ Ramsey to Fathom

A new column is here!

Published on:
June 1, 2022
Read time:
2 min.
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Six years ago, I was planning on creating a publication. I had a plan, I had co-conspirators, I had a budget, but I didn’t have a name. You certainly can’t have a publication you can’t refer to. A name became a priority. As any new organization does, a name came. And I found it by way of an English friend posting about a new art exhibit by Oliver Jeffers in London titled Measuring Land and Sea. Immediately I was taken with Jeffers work. I had known (and loved) him only as a children’s book illustrator but these pieces merged his signature style with a depth I hadn’t seen before. After an hour of delighting in his work I knew what we would call this new venture. Jeffers had marked out fathoms in the ocean in his series. Fathom it would be. The serious of depth and the beauty of the imagination had found a home in a word depicted in pieces of art. Art has impacted Fathom from the very beginning whether you noticed it or not. Today we are thrilled to make that connection even closer. 

Art has impacted Fathom from the very beginning whether you noticed it or not. Today we are thrilled to make that connection even closer.

Many of you are already familiar with Russ Ramsey—writer, pastor, and art lover. Every Wednesday he makes your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds more beautiful by displaying 7 or more works that correspond to an artist or a theme along with commentary and explanation for each work. To follow along is a delight and an injection of beauty into the week. I am unsure how many Wednesdays I have opened Twitter and thought, Oh yes! It’s Art Wednesday!, but the number is high. Starting today, those Art Wednesday posts will be compiled and available as a column right here at Fathom. All day, Russ will post the art just as he usually does, then at 5pm CST you will be able to access the entire day's art and commentary all in one place. And that means you’ll always have access to his previous Art Wednesday posts as well. 

You can head over and check out Russ Ramsey’s first compiled post right now. We hope to see you today and every Art Wednesday. 

Kelsey Hency
Kelsey is the Editor-in-Chief of Fathom. She holds an MA from Dallas Theological Seminary. You can find her on Twitter or Instagram.
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