Fathom Mag

The Story of the Old Testament

A podcast by Drew Fitzgerald

Published on:
November 23, 2016
Read time:
1 min.
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We all know Bible stories, but do you know how they all fit together? The story of the Old Testament is an epic tale that looks a lot like our own lives and leads us to look for the coming Messiah.

P. S. I mention someone by the wrong name somewhere in this podcast. The first person to find it gets a book from the shop. Good luck.

Drew Fitzgerald
After graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary, Drew moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas, to help plant The Hill Church where he still serves as an elder. He has a habit of collecting hobbies and mastering none of them. The only real thing he has mastered is eating ice cream, which really isn’t the worst thing in the world.

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