Fathom Mag


Published on:
June 1, 2022
Read time:
1 min.
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Here in the mailroom I imagine the saints
as secretaries.
I do not know these perfect strangers
who supposedly surpassed their own sinfulness through supplication and suffering,
but I imagine that I do.
I imagine the mail machine stamping my envelopes
as their voice-stamped prayers.

I imagine God ripping each open
as I rip open each received envelope,
the difference being that He has read and heard it all before
from every saint and sinner’s letterpressed lips.

This is where I lose my imaginings.
I cannot fathom the thoughts of God, the curve of inky tongue in answer.
So I pound on the saints’ doors without decorum
thrust my empty hands before them
ask for some supplement to sustain me.

Sustain me through the silence.

Rebecca Olsen
Rebecca Olsen holds a BS in Interdisciplinary Studies with cognates in English and Religion. She currently works as a marketing copywriter and has been previously published by Fathom Magazine, Think Christian, and The Odyssey Online. You can follow her on Twitter @revealedgrace for various thoughts and ramblings.

Cover image by kevs.

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