Fathom Mag

Like Love

Published on:
June 1, 2022
Read time:
1 min.
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She even seems to stand loudly.
Unannounced, assumes
welcome. Nothing stops her
fastening trains of thought
across life like seat belts, only
cinching tighter with resistance.
Fearless of foot traffic, she sits
down where the ground flattens,
burns out candles, leaves
the oven on. Her confections
lay, overbaked, waiting
for you on the counter. Just the sight
of another person flings elation
off her like a thousand frozen peas.
Think —Altoids at the checkout: —
inevitable, yet somehow,
never too present. 

Grace Shaw
Grace Shaw is an emerging poet pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing through Seattle Pacific University. She lives, works as a florist, and occasionally sits by the Potomac River near Washington, DC. The only hobby of hers worth noting is losing sleep over good conversations; she writes poetry because she has to.

Cover image by James Coleman.

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