Fathom Mag

Is your church accessible to the Deaf?

The Government is putting the church to shame for providing accessibility to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Published on:
May 4, 2020
Read time:
11 min.
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The Deaf and the Hard of Hearing are marginalized in society—and it's particularly bad in churches. Not many churches are even making an effort to be accessible to the deaf and the hard of hearing, much less equipped to actually help. 

But there are a lot of misconceptions about the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing community. And when these misconceptions are dispelled, we can find that it's really not that difficult to become more accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in churches. It just takes a little bit of time, and a little bit of effort.

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Jonathan Minnema
Jonathan is the video producer for Fathom Magazine. You can reach him at jon@fathommag.com and @jonminnema.

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