Fathom Mag

Published on:
April 2, 2018
Read time:
1 min.
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Full Thoughts

The Steep will return next week. In the meantime, check out some of Abby’s thoughts in longer form. You can find Abby on Twitter @abbyjperry and keep the conversation going.

In “Shedding Summer Skin,” Abby dug into her own past and looked at the changes we all face as we leave the innocence of adolescence behind.

In “Rearing Boys to Be Peacemakers in a World Bent on War,” Abby joined Kathryn Watson in a discussion of what it looks like to raise boys to be peacemakers—not shying from war, but looking beyond it with tears in their eyes to the hope of peace.

Finally, in “Learning to Listen to #ChurchToo,” Abby’s not only reflected on nature of the evangelical church environment that’s currently rife with abuse of power, but also on the possibility of a way forward—one that begins with listening.

Abby Perry
Abby Perry is a columnist for Fathom Magazine and a freelancer with work in Christianity Today, Sojourners, and Coffee + Crumbs. Her Prophetic Survivors series features profiles of survivors of #ChurchToo sexual abuse. Abby lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. Find her on Twitter @abbyjperry.

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