Fathom Mag
Short Story

Easter, 2020

A poem

Published on:
April 22, 2020
Read time:
1 min.
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Wake up, young man, and look east:

This poem is part of our April collection of poetry and short story contest winners.

the crimson-capped clouds call out

the golden-crowned kinglet sings 

a song of protest, of praise.

Take your child to the green ash

press your hands against its scars:

it stands in strength, nonetheless— 

I swear I’ve seen its hands clap.

Follow your wife through the fields

of wild quinine, walk slowly:

the flowers are stained white by

the robes of the Gardener.

Easter is inappropriate

the empty tomb an affront:

the stone rolls further, running 

in shame from its failed sealing.

Matthew Wiley
Matthew Wiley lives in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. He is a PhD student in systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the managing editor of Sapientia, a periodical of the Henry Center. He belongs to Evanston Bible Fellowship, where he serves as a pastoral apprentice.

Cover image by Hasan Albari

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