Fathom Mag


A poem

Published on:
January 16, 2018
Read time:
1 min.
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my skin

fell off

when I

was nine

years old

and told

me never

to leave

but I

did not

listen and

I did

not take

warning so

I burned

my skin

and drove

it down

to purgatory

and buried

it and

saw God

and myself

and wept

that blood

was all

ready there

for me

Thomas Zak
Thomas Zak is a writer and youth worker living in Baton Rouge, LA. His poems have been published in DigBR and Wondersouth. He is an avid cinephile, and joyful Astros fan, though he’s used to that phrase being an oxymoron.

Cover image by Aimee Vogelsang.

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