Fathom Mag

“A voice is heard in Ramah”

A Poem of Lament

Published on:
June 1, 2022
Read time:
1 min.
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From Matthew 2:18

If my little family lived in Bethlehem,
neighbors to the Christ child,
my son would be among the number
slaughtered by a jealous king.
Somedays it feels like historical
chance kept my child from the cruel
fate of Rachel’s children—
chance that kept him from plague
for two long years,
chance that kept me distant
from a shooting,
chance that kept him too young
to be in an elementary school
yesterday, huddled behind desks,
slaughtered by an angry man.
This chance feels too small
to spare a breath.
So let me weep and mourn
with mothers

Hannah Comerford
Hannah Comerford is a freelance editor and a writer of poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction whose work has appeared in The Unmooring, EkstasisSaxifrage, and Soundings. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the Rainier Writing Workshop, where she currently serves as Program Assistant. In 2018, Hannah was a short-term Scholar-in-Residence at the C.S. Lewis Study Centre at the Kilns in Oxford, England. She currently lives with her husband, son, and dog in Tacoma, WA.

Cover image by Tabitha Turner.

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