Fathom Mag

A Visitation

A poem

Published on:
February 11, 2021
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I returned for bird song 
and the glimmer of grass adorned 
in evening light,for cool whispers carried 
on ancient winds and the eternal fragrance 
of molasses,pine,or sliced cucumber. 
Instead,I beheld the silent 
dilapidated farmhouse sink into a grave 
yard,winter's first icy fingers already 
undressing everything.

Art by Zachary Moll
Cameron Brooks
Cameron Brooks is a writer from South Dakota. He earned his M.A. from Princeton Theological Seminary and serves as Managing Editor and Poet for Vanora. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram, or visit his personal blog: https://liminalmatters.com.
Zach Moll
Zach Moll is a painter from Nebraska. He has degrees in Graphic Design and Studio Art from Concordia University NE, and currently works as a liturgical artist at the Center for Liturgical Art. Zach is also Creative Director and paints for Vanora. You can follow him on Instagram.

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